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We are working strategically to ensure that the corrupt have nowhere to hide, no one to help and no impunity for their acts.

When Transparency International started out in the 1990s, many said that nothing could be done about corruption. We have been working hard to prove them wrong.

Our research, advocacy and campaigns help create new international standards and anti-corruption laws, bring corrupt leaders to justice, hold companies accountable for criminal behaviour at home and abroad – and much more.

Corruption affects and hurts us all: whether it prevents fair and equal access to healthcare during a pandemic, puts a price on an activist’s head or fuels deadly conflicts. We are committed to fighting it at all levels – but we can’t do it without supporters like you. Every donation, however big or small, powers our work and allows us to remain independent. Join us today and help us hold power to account.

If corruption is a disease, then transparency is a central part of its treatment.
Kofi Annan Nobel Peace Prize laureate and former Secretary-General of the United Nations

This is what your donation to Transparency International does:

Holds power to account

You will be supporting the organisation at the forefront of the fight against corruption. Our global movement works in over 100 countries, and our national-level work is run by local anti-corruption activists who care about the future of their country and are committed to making a difference.

Identifies patterns of corruption

Your support will ensure that the reports and complaints that we receive at the grassroots level help us identify patterns of corruption and power our regional and global advocacy to push for international anti-corruption law and standards. Corruption doesn’t stop at national borders – and neither do we.

Funds our research, advocacy and campaigns

You will be funding our research and bold reform proposals that continue to serve as blueprints for national governments, multilateral institutions and other actors who commit to meaningfully fight corruption. We’ll continue to prove that there is nothing inevitable about corruption.

How does corruption affect you?

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