![Cover showing a group with their fists in the air looking empowered.](https://images.transparencycdn.org/images/2022_SafeguardingIndependenceSAIs_Toolkit_English_Page_01.jpg?auto=compress&fit=crop&&w=16)
Safeguarding the Independence of Supreme Audit Institutions: A Resource Kit for Civil Society Organisations
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This kit assists CSOs to advocate for supreme audit institutions' independence effectively.
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This kit assists CSOs to advocate for supreme audit institutions' independence effectively.
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This publication sets out key facts, figures and achievements from the integrity pacts in the EU between 2016 and 2021.
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Between 2015 and 2021, 15 civil society organisations monitored 46 public contracting procedures in the EU. This experience and learnings now help us to understand how to…
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The Corruption Perceptions Index scores 180 countries and territories by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, according to experts and business people.
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Decision-makers across the EU have a timely opportunity to collaborate with civil society and create greater transparency and accountability in public contracting through…
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The Corruption Perceptions Index scores 180 countries and territories by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, according to experts and business people.
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The capture of the state in the Western Balkans and Turkey is enriching politicians and their networks at the severe cost of ordinary citizens.
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The Corruption Perceptions Index scores 180 countries and territories by their perceived levels of public sector corruption, according to experts and business people.
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The 2018 Corruption Perceptions Index, published by Transparency International, measures the perceived levels of public sector corruption in 180 countries and territories. Drawing…
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This guide is a curated list of internationally accepted policies and practical approaches to tackling corruption. It provides examples that are useful not only in developing OGP…
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Integrity Pacts tackle corruption in public procurement – one of the biggest areas of corruption risk for governments. Infrastructure procurement faces particular risk of…
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Based on expert opinion from around the world, the Corruption Perceptions Index measures the perceived levels of public sector corruption worldwide.
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Procuring decent medicines, quality facilities and suitable equipment are keystones in the delivery of effective healthcare.
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The ProZorro platform (electronic procurement system) was initiated in Kyiv in May 2014 by a group of anti-corruption activists that focused on developing an electronic…
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Based on expert opinion from around the world, the Corruption Perceptions Index measures the perceived levels of public sector corruption worldwide.
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La présente évaluation du système national d'intégrité (SNI) du Bénin analyse les mécanismes d'intégrité et les efforts de lutte contre la corruption existants et leur efficacité,…