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May the integrity be with EU

Posted on: 24 May 2019

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As we send this newsletter, citizens from 28 countries across the European Union (EU) are casting their ballots in one of the largest democratic elections in the world.

With 751 seats at stake in the European Parliament and each Member of Parliament (MEP) poised to serve a five-year term, there’s a lot riding on these elections.

While EU countries have a strong history of promoting good governance and anti-corruption reforms, they have a long way to go to be regarded as a leader and role model for integrity.

Need proof? Look no further than the latest scandal from Austriasurrounding former Vice Chancellor Strache, which is just one of many examples of how politicians can easily become involved in corrupt deals.

But citizens are starting to catch on.

According to our 2016 survey of EU citizens, more than a quarter thought that most or all their national MPs were involved in corruption. This is despite top scores that several EU countries receive on the latest Corruption Perceptions Index, which doesn’t measure corruption related to money laundering or financial secrecy.

If the EU could tackle corruption in all its many forms, it could significantly improve the lives of citizens in member states and advance the issues they care most about.

How can you help?

First, GO VOTE if you are an EU citizen.

Also, no matter who you vote for, ask your candidates to sign the integrity pledge and commit to transparency and integrity! So far, more than 500 candidates have signed.

What do you think? Let us know @anticorruption!

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