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The week in corruption, 17 May

Globalised corruption, global solutions

Posted on: 17 May 2019

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Are you a human living on Planet Earth in 2019? Then there’s a roughly two-thirds chance your government is represented at next month’s G20 summit in Osaka, Japan. And even if it’s not, you should care what happens there.

Despite the current trend of escalating trade wars, isolationism and protectionism, the G20’s clout and global reach still make it an important forum for shaping policy. Solutions are needed, as the globalisation of world trade and finance has been accompanied by an internationalisation of corruption.

That’s where we come in.

This week we had the opportunity to engage with the G20’s Anti-Corruption Working Group on their anti-corruption proposals and make recommendations for how the world’s largest economies can advance the fight against corruption.

We are particularly pushing for G20 countries to adopt High Level Principles on whistleblower protection that apply to both the public and private sector and meet best-practice standards like our principles for whistleblower legislation.

We think the G20 can also make a big difference to gender equality and help reduce the disproportionate impact of corruption on womenworldwide. G20 members should integrate gender-specific approaches in all anti-corruption work, especially whistleblowing, and support women’s participation in public life.

Over the years, the G20 has made more than 60 anti-corruption commitments. They need to fully implement these and be open about how much progress they are making.

When you see the G20 leaders shaking hands in Osaka next month, pay attention to what — if anything — they are agreeing to do differently, and join us in saying #G20takeaction.

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